12th Day

Is my Blog Technology “Comment Friendly”?
Concerning technology, I’ve just made some setting adjustments, like allowing comments – there is no need to be registered and logged in anymore -, freeing comments from moderation – just for a couple of days, otherwise it will be too risky due to spam threat – and I certainly would have already embedded akismet if I just would be given time enough to remember what I’ve done with my API key.
In order to make my posts more accessible I go to Technorati to ping my blog; there I read they are explicitly asking people to do it each time they write a post.
I’ve learned all this when following the conversation generated by a post at The Edublogger: “Are your Comment Settings Making it hard for Readers to Comment?”
Also, in building my blog, I ‘m trying to create a more friendly and personal atmosphere through technology: I’ve customized the header with a real photo of my School – but I’ll change it soon, because one of my students is easily recognizable although they were quite enthusiastic about it; we simply are not allowed to publish such photos on-line.
I have also added a direct link to our blog of the Portuguese Department that has been just put on “web-orbit” yesterday. I’m responsible for the editing – my colleagues will be joining me soon – and I’ll receive help from the person responsible for the formatting – which is a Brazilian Mom of four of our students.
I’m also trying to insert links – as above – referring my statements or reflections to their original source, so readers may move freely.
And today I’ve found two new comments: surprise and joy from comment08.

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2 thoughts on “12th Day

  1. Thank you @Sue, that’s really great!If it’s not against the “blog etiquette” I can sligthly correct Google translation so it will be more faithfull to the original meaning.

  2. Você está fazendo realmente bem Ines e estamos satisfeitos que você se juntaram a nós em Challenge. Fico feliz que tenha ajudado a fazer o desafio que você saiba mais sobre blogs que você está praticando em seu blog.

    Eu já decidiu usar o Google Traduzir para traduzir o meu comentário em Português porque penso que nós sempre esperamos mau nossos leitores que Inglês não é a sua principal linguagem de escrever em Engligh. É evidente que há um par de desvantagens – um Traduzir que o Google não traduz muito bem (no que causam perdoar o meu mau Português) e de dois outros leitores que parece difícil de ler o meu comentário. Então, vou inserir Inglês abaixo para explicar como pode a traduzi-lo:)

    I’ve translated my comment in Portuguese to hopefully repay Ines for all her hard work in responding to our posts in English. You can translate my comment using Google Translate.

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