Web2.0 Wednesday 4

Drawing a Diagram

I must start by the fourth task of our Wednesdays, as I am still waiting for a friend of mine in order to fulfill the invitation to participate in our web adventure, that we have been asked to made up; it is a real invitation, I mean it, so I think it is worth while to wait.

After reading carefully the introduction of “this incredible list of tools” I decided to convert a simple table written in word into a colored diagram from Draw Anywhere after subscribing to the Beta Lovely Charts and after giving up my experience at Gliffy.

According to Cristina Laun, the author of this introduction, ” visual learners learn through seeing and retain more information when it’s presented in the form of pictures, diagrams”, and so on; I’m not a visual learner at all, but I love all kinds of “visual metaphors” as those I’ve found at Webilus I know I’m an  auditory learner and, according to Antoine de la Garanderie, this learning type of person does need to see graphics, schemes, visual representations of what they are or have been listening to, precisely because they don’t do it by themselves, they can’t see spontaneously with the eyes of their minds – when they are studying, for instance, I don’t mean it when remembering facts of life or when acting creatively. Thus I think both kinds of learners find different advantages and both benefit from being provided with some visual format of  their subject of study.

As my table couldn’t fit in the space reserved to the diagram, I only transformed the titles of this table:

In the Jing screencast words can’t be read; I don’t know why they became so small; in the diagram, on the contrary, I recognize that I exaggerated the font size.

I will try to do it better and then I’ll start again.