First Blogging Anniversary

An eventful year

This wonderful and demanding year has not made easy the process of learning to blog and to apply web2.0 tools in the context of the classroom; the main reasons were that I have been walking with crutches since November and that I have been dealing with serious illness in my family along the last months.

The pace of my daily life slowed down  to the point I had the continuous feeling to be always late with my work. Finally, I could be operated to my left knee and I’m starting physiotherapy soon, but this means I’m away from school now, and thus can’t support my students with their blogging engagements.

My blogging journey started on the 2nd May, a year ago, when I agreed to accept the warm invitation from Sue Waters to join the 31th Comment Challenge and learn how to become a better blog citizen. This participation has been the most motivating and thrilling experience I’ve lived on line until now; I met wonderful educators, discovered highly inspiring blogs, and  felt welcomed in a live community.

As an Educator, I was beginning this adventure looking forward to sharing whatever I could learn with my young students, as they were and remain the real motive for my engagements on line. However, our school system is not yet prepared to integrate technology in the daily practice of teaching and learning: thus, in my school, we  only could explore the web world during lunch break along the third term of last year; this school year I set up a class blog and a few student blogs, but students were soon limited to learn new digital skills on a voluntary basis, as a sort of home work and following instructions  through Msn messenger.

During summer holidays I found WikiEducator and its project to share the treasure of culture with all the developing countries; I took a basic course about wiki editing and, in return, I’m still looking forward to  contributing with a translation which won’t require to create templates;  Phil Bartle has recently invited me to collaborate in his project for Portuguese speaking Africa, which seems to be a precious opportunity.

Along the present school year, from September to December, the Students Blogging Competition, brilliantly runned by Sue Wyatt, has been a unique chance to launch my 6th grades in the blogging adventure; as a happy fruit of this experience, the new blog Bringing Us Together was born and our team was in charge for the first half of February. Since March, until Easter holidays, when I had to leave school to undergo my surgery, a small group of students has been participating in the Students Blogging Challenge that Sue Wyatt is inspiringly running. What I find most wonderful about this experience is the fact that, all of a sudden, you feel as if you have been given thousands of new friendly students spread all over the world.

These 12 months brought multiple chances of working with or just trying web 2.0 tools, social networking and bookmarking sites, but I’ll give just a few examples: we shared our lessons in our to build the classroom work with others; I enjoyed meeting people on Twine, for a semantic bookmarking experience; I appreciated Zemanta, to get inspiring tips while blogging; and finally Twitter, the best tool to get precious information and to stay in touch with some great educators.

As an aim for next year, I would love to

  1. Participate in the Webinars that Edublogs and Elluminate are running right now, and hopefully to learn how to use video and audio tools in the classroom.
  2. Honour my engagement with WikiEducator by participating in the project of Phil Bartle about Community Empowerment for Portuguese speaking African countries.
  3. Relaunch the project of students blogging with the future generation of 6th grades, knowing that our technological limitations are supposed to decrease progressively at school.
  4. Intensifying my participation in the Ning Apprendre 2.0, where Florence Meichel excells in the art of enhancing conversations and sharing learning experiences.
Finally, I would like to express how grateful I am to my  network and how honoured I feel to belong here.
Ines Pinto
Image: my workplace at home
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5 thoughts on “First Blogging Anniversary

  1. Thank you Miss W.
    I have this friend of mine, who is also an English teacher at my school, that has “inherited” my last year students. However, as she has a very big family, with grand sons and all, I’m afraid she just won’t have time enough to learn and to lead students.
    This year,the new internet connection failed almost over the entire trimester; even kids lost their good habits of working on line at home, because they stopped to see teachers doing it during classes.

  2. Happy Anniversary Ines. You and your students have come a long way over the year but it is a pity we only have them for one year. Perhaps their future teachers might also use technology with them. Maybe they will have a computer at home and can carry it on there with email help from you.

  3. Olá Inês!

    Sou a Teresa Pombo. Venho dar-lhe os parabéns pelo magnífico trabalho que tem realizado com os seus alunos. Descobri-o hoje via twitter (indirectamente) e ainda pergunto como é possível eu não conhecer.

    Faço parte da Interactic 2.0 ( uma comunidade de professores portugueses interessados nas aplicações das tecnologias educativas. Com cerca de 1270 membros já me começa a ser difícil conhecer tod@s (mesmo como membro da administração). Acho que a Inês ainda não faz parte, pois não? Imagino que, tal como eu, faça parte de alguns grupos estrangeiros e que saiba que é difícil acompanhar, mas gostaria de a convidar a integrar a Interactic. O seu trabalho é maravilhoso e decerto a sua partilha poderia inspirar outros professores.
    Muito obrigada pela sua atenção!

  4. Hi Stora!
    I’m a student from Massachusetts!
    I think it’s great that you use blogging in your classroom, I wish my school did that.
    Happy blog anniversary!
    Check out my blog:

  5. Hi Inpi,
    Thinking of you and hope you are feeling better. I have also been blogging for just one year. It has been a rewarding challenge for me, too. I have two laptops in my classroom and try to fit technology in whenever I can. We are a high school/elementary school so the high school gets the computer lab. We don’t have any IT person in our school so the classroom teacher is the only one to do technology. I have participated in many of the Saturday Classroom 2.0 elluminate sessions and have learned a lot from them. I hope we can keep in touch. My cast is off but my ankle is still healing.

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