A Favorite Tool or Resource – Prompt 34
I was strongly inspired by the post of Nina “Everything”, where I learned about “Poundland Pedagogy”and Nina’s creative way of really transforming almost anything in a learning tool.
Some years ago, I read the wonderful book “Slow Down to Speed Up” by Lothar J Seiwert and, in particular, the chapters shared by Ann McGee-Cooper, who helped me to understood quite clearly how my way of managing time and sustaining motivation should be carried away with success, differently from what the traditional and respectable methods driven by “the left side of the brain” suggested.
According to this author, people using mostly their right side of the brain are keen to a “Poundland Pedagogy” approach of tools to be used creatively in the classroom.
So, I spontaneously invite my young students to improvise and try new ways of doing things, in particular, finding inspiration to write, creating a mix of drawing and writing, trying new ways of spreading beauty in whatever their imagination is dwelling upon.
This brings us back to the learning tool question. As we work together in a writing workshop, I do my best so that each young student may have a special and highly personalized notebook. We even try to make it look like a “tridimensional object”:
[embeddoc url=”https://stora.edublogs.org/files/2017/09/Favorite-Learning-Tool-2ghwiyg-xpyfil.pptx” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft” ]
- I usually cut every picture, image or even a piece of colored wrapping paper I think that may be found beautiful or interesting by my kids and give them to be fixed with glue on their notebooks.
- I also use those pictures or images as a motivation to keep them writing as I do myself.
- They often use plenty of different sticky notes.
- We collect small size pictures of modern and ancient paintings stamped in napkins, or different qualities of paper and illustrate our writing with them.
- We fix along the notebooks pages, with glue or “bostick” glue sticks, little empty transparent plastic bags or small colorful envelopes where they may collect ideas, little secrets or just to keep personal thoughts inside their writing notebooks.
- We also decorate our notebooks with our own photos, or artistic stamps, even small pieces of fabrics.
- We use multicolored pens, and often we inextricably intertwine our thoughts with those of others, just by changing notebooks while writing about a common subject, at regular intervals.